
of the collaborative plateform

Main features

Creation of unlimited workspaces or projects

You can create as many collaborative workspaces as you wish for your services, your teams, your projects, your workgroups, your communities.

Personalized access permissions per user

You define each user’s permissions for every workspace.

You can also invite partners, customers or suppliers and control their access permissions.

Customize which functions are available

You can choose which features you want to be available in each workspace.

la création d'espaces collaboratifs sur l'outil collaboratif Acollab

File sharing and storage (Dropbox style)

Share files and directories online with your team.

Every file’s history is tracked automatically so you can easily access previous versions.

Download link generation (WeTransfer style)

You can share your documents to anyone with a public link and choose to protect it with a password.

Enjoy a complete and easy-to-use Document Management System (DMS).

plateforme collaborative

Task assignment

Manage your project tasks and assign them to your teammates.

Task tracking

Track your tasks through their progress and status.

Global task visualization

View your project’s Gantt diagram.

Additional useful task-related features

Attach related files directly to your tasks.

If you have several projects that follow the same structure, you can import tasks from one space to another to save time.

Receive notifications when tasks are assigned to you or when they change status.

plateforme collaborative

Calendar sharing

Visualize all your project milestones or centralize all your events (meeting, exhibition, presentation,…) using a Shared Calendar.

Manage the presence of your events participants.

plateforme collaborative

Centralization of messages and comments

Centralize and share all your messages via a simple and unique interface.

You can share anything you want with your colleagues, and they can reply using comments below your post.

plateforme collaborative

Time management and expense tracking

Each user can enter the time they spend on their tasks and projects on a daily or weekly basis in Timecollab.

Enter your expenses related to your project.

It enables you to know how much time you actually spend on your projects, and you can quickly analyse your projects profitability.

outil de suivi des temps

Receive a notification as soon as content has been created or modified.

You can export contacts from Acollab into your mobile’s personal contact list.

You can easily view your messages, files, tasks and calendar from your mobile phone.

plateforme collaborativeplateforme collaborative


Personalized permissions per user

You can define access permissions for each user in every workspace and for each of the platform’s applications (Calendar, File Management, Messages, etc…)

Guest type users

Guests are users with restricted permission on the Acollab platform. For example, they may be one of your customers, partners or suppliers.

plateforme collaborative

Acollab voted User Choice in the collaborative platform category!

Other features of the collaborative platform

Simplified Publishing as Web Pages

The collaborative tools allow you to create and publish your content directly as a web page using the Wiki feature.

Now, you have a dedicated space to centralize all your internal procedures, product documentation, and more. This way, you can build true knowledge bases that are easily accessible and editable, with automatic version management.


Kanban Board

Manage your tasks using the Kanban Board tool, which utilizes columns to visualize your tasks’ progress.


Powerful search engine

A search field allows you to quickly find all the information available in all the spaces to which you have access to.

You can filter search results by data type (file, task, event, message, comment, page…) for better results.

outil travail collaboratif


All of your workspaces and projects at a glance

Each user has their own customizable dashboard where they can find a recap of recent activity on the platform and widgets that give a quick look at all the user’s projects.


Enable widgets that you find the most useful to your workflow (your calendar, your tasks, the news feed, the latest file uploads, the latest published messages …) in order to have a quick overview of your work’s progress on the platform.

In addition, each workspace also has a specific and customizable dashboard with similar features.


tableau de bord

A simple tool to know your user’s opinion

Ask questions to your colleagues. You can choose between multiple-choice, single-choice or Yes/No answers.

You will be notified as soon as a user replies to your question, and you can easily view the answers.

Your colleagues can leave a comment along with their answer.


Simplified communication

Members of your spaces can interact using forums.

Ask a question and get answers from your colleagues.

Alternatively, you can also look for an answer among the existing forum posts.


Real-time communication

Create chat rooms with your colleagues on a given topic, then chat in real time.

All interactions are saved, so you can find the content of a past conversation at any time.

You can also chat with a single colleague using direct messaging.

A simple, interactive and instantaneous tool to communicate with your colleagues to increase your efficiency without changing your work tool.



Configurable information tool

Notifications keep you informed of new events (content being added, updated or removed from Acollab).

Each user can dial in their own notification preferences, according to their liking and priorities. This prevents email inboxes from being flooded with irrelevant information.

Custom Access Rights per User

You can define access rights for each user in every collaborative space. Each application (Calendar, File Management, Messages, etc.) within those spaces also has its own permission management.

Guest Users

Guests are users with restricted rights on the Acollab platform. They may be your clients, partners, suppliers etc…



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