Project management tool

Project management tool

Management by objectives and tasks

The Acollab collaborative platform has a fully-featured project management tool.

Collaborative workspaces allow you to divide your activity into as many projects as you wish and to manage user access permissions for each project. A project is organized according to a two-level hierarchy:

  • Objectives (or task lists), which allow you to define the structure of the project.
  • Tasks (grouped by objective) have many attributes, detailed below.
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Main features of Acollab's project management tool

Tasks list management

Tasks list allow you to group tasks within your project.

Task management

Each task has the following attributes:

  • Label and a description
  • Priority
  • Start and end date
  • Status (To do, In progress, Completed, Archived, etc…) and progress percentage
  • Automatic highlighting of late tasks
  • Task managers, which are team members who are in charge of said task

Task manager(s)

You can assign one or more managers to any task. These managers will be notified as soon as this task gets updated. You can also use filters to only show tasks assigned to specific users.

Integrated time tracking

The platform’s time and expense tracking tool, Timecollab, allows you to track the time spent on different tasks within your project.

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a visual tool used in project management, allowing you to display your project’s task against time. This tool fulfils two objectives: to plan optimally and to communicate within the established schedule. It displays each task’s start and end dates, as well as the progress percentage, allowing you to get all the important information at a glance.


Each team member can leave a comment on a task, which makes it easier for users to interact with each other on a given topic, leading to an increase in productivity.

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Attached files

The ability to attach files to tasks allows team members to quickly access documents relevant to the task, deliverables or intermediate working documents.

Task import / export

In case of similar projects, you can import tasks from another project to save time when initiating a new project.


Email notifications can alert team members when a task is assigned to them, when a new task is created, when a task they are assigned to changes status etc…


Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart is a project management tool that allows you to visualize project tasks over time. It graphically represents the progress of the project. This tool serves two purposes: to plan optimally and to communicate the established schedule.

Kanban Board view

A Kanban board view allows you to visualize the progress of your project in columns. Each column corresponds to a task status, such as: “To Do,” “In Progress,” “Completed” or any other status you want to add. At a glance, you can identify unstarted tasks and those that are finished.

Project Template

In the case of similar projects, it is also possible to import tasks from a previous project to save time when initiating a new project. In fact, Acollab allows you to create and save project templates that you can reuse for similar projects in the future. To do this, create a typical project that you frequently recreate. Include task lists, your typical deadlines, and assigned responsibilities. Then, create a new project by importing the template project, speeding up the initiation of this new project.

Other Features of Acollab

Acollab is a collaborative platform that includes various tools: a shared calendar, a document management system (GED), a Kanban board, and more.

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